Translations / Μεταφράσεις


  1. A “mosaic” of my own. From those that I have been “embroidering” for years now without ever being sure if they are completed ...


    Lord, I often cry Your name;
    it is the only sound in this wilderness.

    Lord, illuminate my way back
    since I ‘ve reached here walking in the dark.
    Find me a word, You who know so many.

    Lord, Your love is the only train
    that ever passed trough here.

    Lord, inside me I am full of corners for beggars.

    On our way we once met a troubadour;
    it’s only that then, we all shone.

    My mother, now, is counting some coins,
    and I did not reach high, nor did I go far.
    I did not stay here, but again I came back here.

    If only I could give her back her laughter;
    because I hear it sometimes before I go to sleep.

    That‘s strange, Lord,
    it was nothing more than a simple house moving,
    yet I had the feeling that I was returning from Smyrna ...

    Lord, Babylon is still changing kings,
    the last one, in fact, grew up in Vienna
    during the days of siege.

    Lord, did you notice the sun that begun to come out again?
    How is it possible for years to pass after this moment!

    Lord, only You don’t fool me with miracles!


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